
Blips to Blessings

Being disappointed in not getting what we want can sometimes be a blessing! How many times do we look back and discover that after that disappointment something better came along that we would have missed had we gotten what we “wanted”? Learn how “blips” can turn into “blessings”…your next “blessing” is just a “blip” away!

  1. Your greatest treasures and discoveries, including gaining strength of character, could be in what you DID NOT get when you thought you really wanted it.
  2. Turn disappointment into opportunity

…and more!


To schedule Speaking Engagements, call Cynthia A. Sudor Enterprises.

Animals face and overcome challenges on a farm, learning big life lessons that children can relate to and be inspired by. Five stories, each with a moral and theme to them. Interactive questions at the end of each story. Target ages 8 to 12. Great for reading, learning and gift giving! Award-winning books. Order a book or learn more...
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