
The Author Journey & Other Life Lessons

Becoming an Author of children’s books was my dream since childhood. Achieving this goal took insight, skills and stamina that I learned from my adult life, both professional and personal. Being a successful Author has attracted many people to me…how did I do it, how long did it take, how expensive was it? In reflecting on my own Author journey, as well as the dreams that others share with me about becoming an Author themselves someday, I discovered that this journey was more than just becoming an Author…what does it take to succeed in any venture, and what is holding you back?

  1. Never hope harder than you work.
  2. Build a marketing/planning approach into your book…and, your life

…and more!


To schedule Speaking Engagements, call Cynthia A. Sudor Enterprises.

Animals face and overcome challenges on a farm, learning big life lessons that children can relate to and be inspired by. Five stories, each with a moral and theme to them. Interactive questions at the end of each story. Target ages 8 to 12. Great for reading, learning and gift giving! Award-winning books. Order a book or learn more...
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